Saturday, 30 January 2010


Filming Schedule
As we are working in quite a big group, I decided that it would make things a lot easier if I created a schedule for everyone to be able to see easily where each member of our group was during the week.

I created this schedule in Microsoft Excel, writing out when every member of our group had study sessions between the hours of 08.30-3.30, Monday to Friday. I colour coded each member so that it was clear who was who, and I highlighted the different time periods in yellow where we were all in the same study sessions. I printed a copy for each member of our group so that whenever someone needed to know where a group member was, they could check the schedule and easily see. That way, there are no complications and time will not be wasted with groups members trying to find one another.

Contact List
Although the filming schedule shows you where they are meant to be, some group members may not actually be in the common room during their study sessions. That is why I decided to create a contact list so that if a group member needed to get hold of someone urgently, they could easily phone them on their mobiles or send them an email.

(I have blurred out the numbers to protect our group members' privacy)

Time Plan
This is a gantt chart that I made using Microsoft Project. It shows how long each task of this project will take, as well as the dates that we should complete them by. By creating this time plan, it means that our group can stay on track of things, and know what we need to do and when to do it by to make sure our project is finished in time.


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